Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Site Updates

Heads up... PPBRacing site will be taking on a new and more easily updated look. We're trying a blog template for race news and media stuff...

Take a look while it's being built out... and NO, it won't be blogger driven.



CTodd said...

What's powering it?

gewilli said...


on 4bux

Anonymous said...

Soon, GoDaddy will be powering it with some WordPress sprinkles.

Sorry Gewilli... I keep forgetting to remind you that I won't be able to give you the Starbucks Corporate tour... we can thumb through my photo albums though

gewilli said...

ah hell i'd rather have tour for that Co-op i've been a member of when they were one store and a catalog

Anonymous said...

ok... now the site is better. It was sick...