Howdy Bike Racers! Ol' Curly slept right through them firecrackers last night. He was darn tired... After "racing" the Masters C/D crit at Joe Matava (so damned out of shape), taking the family out for some clothes shopping, buying a new handtruck, disassembling the Judges stand, BBQ'ing some chicken and mowing the lawn... Ol' Curly was plum tuckered out.
First things first... I want to call attention to a project going on that I think is as cool as a mother pig in a shady pool of mud... 50 Dates/ 50 States. 2 ladies from "The Show" days have gone out and started their own project... lookie here. Gotta love the internet.
Now on to some crap from yesterday... I went to Eagle Hardware (yeah I know it's Lowes but I don't care) cuz I hate Home Depot... to buy me a new hand truck. Seems Ol' Curly exceeded the weight limit too many times on the last one. Anyway... I had all the good intentions of having a good experience and being nice. After about 5 minutes of looking, I caught a feller back in Garden and asked... "Where do ya keep the hand trucks feller?" He says... "Oh, we don't carry them." and keeps on walkin', like he don't have time. Now Ol' Curly has been to a few hardware stores and the one thing he does know is that THEY CARRY HAND TRUCKS! So Ol' Culry is now on a mission to prove this Muther-lovin'-Tool-Box wrong... Finally, he catches a portly gal over near plumbin' and asks her if they carry handtrucks. "Oh yeah... Home Organization. But let me take you there... if I'm wrong, I don't want you to get pissed"
So there they are... 2 Brands and 5 models of hand trucks... They even have the one I need... the 800lb'r... So Curly grabs it's and rolls it on up to customer service to bitch about that first feller and LO' and BEHOLD... the manager there is the feller that "helped" Ol' Curly with his handy "I don't give a shit 'bout making a $78 sale or not" advice... So Curly (in a really pissed off mood by now) wanks up past the 3 people in line and says "This is a hand truck. They're in Household Organization. Next time go look jackass!" and walks off to pay... As he's payin' the clerk says "I hope yer havin' a good 4th..." Ol' Curly sez... "I am now..."
Thursday, July 5, 2007
This is a hand truck...
Posted by
Cobbles and Frites
4:44 AM
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I think the guy at Eagle figured you didn't need a handtruck, as you still have to post results from Des Moines ;-)Even with Wow women going 1-2-3 for the 2nd day in a row!
What am I saying, I wasn't even there...
yeah... trying to make sense of non-sensical results with numbers that look like this "10??" makes the job a bit harder... I expect you to contest the Masters E category next year dude... no excuses
Number can't be read? - tough luck - get a frame number.
Yes, my own special category, or is that tandem class? ;-)
Corner 3 would love to see a tandem race!
You are aging into what I describe as my "older and bolder" phase. Eventually, I s'pose, we'll just be downright ornery. But only cuz everyone else gets stupider and stupider, right?
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