Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Friday... again!

Howdy crank spinners! Ol' Curly is in a good mood now... sorry about that unappreciative rant yesterday. Mrs. Curly made up for it by taking Ol' Curly down to that fine Des Moines seafood restaurant (who shall remain nameless due their lack of support for the bike race) to have some mussels, wine and dessert... without the LCs.

Speakin' of fishy... Ol' Nickels... the mayor of Seattle is havin' more issues. His kid is heading to court today for his involvement in a gambling ring. Nice... no, not graffiti.. not other childlike hijinx, but gamblin'. Nice bit of fathering Mr. Mayor... While yer off posin' for Vanity Fair, yer boy needed some guidance. Now get 1st Ave fixed will ya? Although, I'm rethinkin' my need for that...

Anyone else looking forward to watching 200 asthmatic riders travel across France in hopes of not testing positive for something and making to Paris...? Me too...

Lastly... if there is such a thing here at Curly Blog... The Des Moines Crit is shaping up to be a fine event this year. The entire finishing straight will be closed to cars of any kind. No easment road... and cones that riders with 3 whole lanes manage to hit anyway...

Yer Trainin': Use yer inhaler


UltraMick said...

It seems you need to share some of those charitable but inedible casseroles with the self-proclaimed fat and slow PruDog. Is second-hand charity doubly charitable, especially if you're trying to make him fit and fast in time for your race?

Cobbles and Frites said...

I'm not kdding that I think they made the casserole out of leftovers. Asparagus is not grey from just over cooking AND despite what 98% of Americans think, CHEESE does not fix everything.

Tonite's dinner was just delivered... Homemade Spaghetti sauce with fresh bread, salad with Avocados, tomatoes, etc... Mrs. Spadie must have read yesterday's post and didn't want to end up Monday's post.