Thursday, May 10, 2007

When work at the ranch meets blog about bikes

Alright Ol' Curly usually keep these things to only once per day, but I found this to be too interesting to hold back until tomorrow. As some of you know Ol' Curly handles new media/learning/development/training projects at the Ranch. Part of that involves researching what others do and think about these things and creating new things. It's why this blog exists and why you folks are all in on the experiment. Anyway... food for thought on how these daily stops we call BLOGS will shape the way we connect a group of folks to each other besides going to races and seeing each other on the proverbial road. For example... I didn't know OAD, StokerDiva, Gewilli, CTodd and many others until we all connected the dots. Some came here first... others came here after being told to come here... still, others made their way here after I made my way to their neighborhhoods... enjoy.