Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Bank of America? More like Banco di Napoli

Hey.... First PR came and went. Not much to report at least from the cat 4/5 end. No crashes... lots os spitting. I see folks are following the training. Nice work. One feller had a bit of the TB or something cuz he was coughin'. The speed was fairly decent for a mildly windy night and being the first night out. Still... no crashes and a fair turnout. Should shape up to be a decent series.
Speakin' of PR and trying to get there yesterday. On my way home I had a little stop to make at ol' Bank of America to close out my account that I've had since 1992. Those folks don't want you to leave do they. Lots of offers, deals... free toasters... checks... badmouthing the competition. Jeeze. I think they blew off about 35 minutes of Ol' Curly's time... and he had racin' to do. In the end they relunctantly gave me back the handful of cash I left there and thanked me out the door. Bottom line is that they owe their customers more than "well... we notify you of any new chanrges in your statement every month"... BS! In this day and age... put it as an announcement on my e-statement. Paper statements... got any idea how long Ol' Curly's been asking them not to send my statement in paper form to my aobode? Long enough to convince me to go to a different bank.
How 'bout that Ullrich? How dumb is this dude...? "No, I've never doped", "oh, I can't find a team"... "ok... here's a swap of my DNA"... "I'm callin' it quits... I mean retiring"... "Whew! They're gonna drop this Puerco thing!"... "Oops, they're not gonna drop it"... "HA HA! I doped... GOTCHA!" I think the worse part is that now it lends a shred of truth to all of the other bags of blood... We need a "Do Over!"... for the sport.
Your training: Take the day off... this Ullrich thing is depressing.


Anonymous said...

I worked with a large Seattle based bank for a while. The value of a customer to them is $108, so they will put up a fight to get you from leaving. This bank also offered "Paper-Supression" - which means no damn monthly letters with data that is 30 days old. If you aren't an online banker by now - WTF?! Paper Suppression is a big push for this bank because it saves over $40 a year, per customer. BofA is a cluster because they have aquired SO MANY banks that they have real troubles integrating their systems. BofA in the state of WA (remember Seafirst?) is a separate operating entity than BofA in CA. BofA CA offers Paper Suppression, WA doesn't have a large enough customer base to justify the cost.

Funny part - in the old banking system of record (think green screens) that we interfaced with, there is actually a boolean field in the customer record: "Tster" that is for "Toaster" as to whether the customer was given a toaster as part of their account creation process. That cracked me up.