Thursday, March 15, 2007

Here's Your Trivia... Now SKUUT!

Well whadda ya know, Ol' Curly has had an impact once again. LOOK HERE More cycling trivia... and look at today's trivia question... Ol' Curly's favorite rider. I'd like to think that Curly had something to do with that. Good luck on the trivia here today... you know where it is.

Time for a product review again. Ol' Curly bought lil' Curly a new bike. Yeah he's only 16 months old, yeah he's only started walking like 4 months ago... You parent your kids your way... I'll do it my way. On second thought... you should start parenting my way. Let's face it... it's just plain better. So I got lil Curly a SKUUT. Sure it was $90... but it was better than Likeabike's $275. If lil' Curly learns his balance and steering, it'll be worth it. Now Ol' Curly knows the only feller that sells these here bike learnin' tools in Washington State. He wants this feller to do well at selling them... so you might see a few of these at Des Moines this year. I'll keep you posted on lil' Curly's progress. I'll tell you this... when I brought the box in, lil' Curly got real excited... If I could scale it down, I'd have a SKUUT for lil' Curly 2 as well...

Why such a big deal? Think back to when you were a kid... with training wheels. What a dumb idea. Not sure about you, but it took me months to undo the damage they did. Sure I could get around, but then I had to re-learn how to ride a bike in High School and all the other kids tried laughing at Curly. After he kicked their ass, he had to go back and learn to ride a bike. Start 'em early. This all feeds into my mast plan of lil' Curly making it to the TdF... where he'll win it... call his pappy up to the podium with him... to thank him for giving him a SKUUT so early... and then Curly can turn around and moon the ASO-holes in person... Take that ya ASO-holes!.. WOO HOOOO! YEEEE HA! .....Noble huh?

Alright... Yer Trainin': I want you to take the cranks and chain off of your bike today... lower the seat... and SKUUT around town. Have fun with it. Your quads will be burning by the end but you'll be having fun and undoing the damage that those training wheels did.


Jamie Stangeland said...

I actually did that workout on Tuesday when I broke my chain after doing some stomps. It's still sitting in the intersection of 135th and Aurora. I had to Skuut all the way down to Baratto's house who was then nice enough to give a lift the rest of the way home.

Anonymous said...

Hurt so good don't it? Wait till I finish the Adult version mockups.

Jamie Stangeland said...

Sorry about that OAD, it's fixed now...not sure how that happened.