Friday, March 30, 2007

I'll give you Saturday for a Sunday

sample 1

HA!... Like I was going to wait for a "Vote"... This thing was done before I even posted yesterday... Curly tries to think ahead a bit... So he sent this down to Cookie a bit ago. I hope you like it Stoker Diva. It's some fine work I think.

sample 2

Well you folks have fun this weekend. Curly is on a tight deadline to finish all of the yard projects so no racing until PR prolly... and when that happens... all hell will break loose. You think Cipo had a sprint... you ain't seen what Curly is packin'. We don't have the new show finished yet, but it IS shaping up. Let's just say it's a bit more practical than the last one.

OK... once you all clean up your vomit... here's the training: Just one thing... Now it's up to you to figure out what that is.

DUTCH BICYCLES... from a Dutchman. I gotta say I couldn't ride that thing.


UltraMick said...

[sorry for the delay; training camp kept me busy] I love 'em!! I think I'll keep the "company name" of StokedHats but, um, "let" people call me Stoker Diva. It's better than other labels for my tandem proclivities. Look for me at PR#2, and I should have a handiwork sample for you.