Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bakers, Bells and Bollocks

Aye... Gud Marnin' ya wee lads and laddehs...

Um McCurly... Curly's Scottish brother. An once agehn, Curly is on the trainer and can't come to the blog. Aye... actshully, Curly gave me the renns this mernin' and I git ta post sumthin. But furst... Leh me town down the axe-scent a bit as it's gettin ah bit hard ta type.

Yeah, Ol Curly once again has brought a guest to help with the posting. Let me start with a story about Curly's ride yesterday. It was a windy one yesterday down on the blvd. Ol' Curly came across quite a few riders out getting ready for this weekend's Sequim race. Some real knot heads out there... not even bothering to wave once waved at. Too cool for school I spose. First... A BM... then a feller in some ITALIA shorts and no damned helmet (which umm gonna git to in a sec). . A Bernie fella (who I excused cuz he was climbing)... then a Fred... then another... Ah HA! Ol' Curly did get a head flick from that local celeb Jerry Baker. It was about 400 yards North of the Sewer entrance. Ol' Curly figured he'd swoop the loop at Sewer and catch Jerry on the way back with the tailwind. Let's just say the ol HR was up there and he finally managed to close the gap by the crew house. Damn how is that guy so strong still... on a commuter bike with fenders and flaps and like 10 other pounds of gear on his bike? Anyway... Ol' Curly rode behind Jerry for a bit until the riser back up to Leschi where Curly did a left for some hill repeats. Bye Jerry...

OK... now about ridin' no helmets. How is it in this day and age that people still will ride with no helmet. Sure... statistically you have a greater chance of blah blah blah. These must be the same folks that drive without a seat belt, or smoke in their car with the windows up. It's just not kosher to ride no helmet anymore. I look at it this way... it only takes 1 accident to remove you from the gene pool... Is that worth having your hair blow in the wind? I mean this ain't the 70's anymore. A few weekends ago I witnessed some mental juggernaut lecture his kids on the InterBourbon trail about putting their helmets on while the family rides... then he led their little group helmet less. He must not remember that great ad from the 80's about pot-smoking. "I learned it from watching you Dad! I learned it from watching you!" Come on... when I was 15 and just started riding, I couldn't wait to ditch my helmet at my buddy's house so we could pick up chicks helmet-less. Now I had an excuse back then... you remember what the helmets looked like in the mid 80's? Nowadays helmets are cool... they're light... they're fashionable... and if you're Martaint... you can even git them to match your bike and other accessories.

Your training: Today's workout is brought to you by the folks at Bell Helmets. Bell... sporty... stylish... keeps your brain in. I want the helmet-less freaks to ride with a helmet today... BUT... put it on your ass... it seems that that may be where your brain is.


Old as dirt said...

Where's my St Particks Day Video??
I've been promisin to the folk back in the old country!

Anonymous said...

It's coming... it's coming. These things take time... and editing. It's hard to get the snakes just right.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Ti-Cycles guy i would always see going the opposite way on 65th, on my way to our weekend rides that would have his helmet strapped to his stem/handlebars. Worlds safest stem...

Old as dirt said...

I make ReCycled the Helmetless kings, I think they have a no helmet rule.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that people who argue against wearing a helmet aren't thinking that when something happens to them finally... the real party hurt is the folks that surround them. They're like alcoholics... only worried about themselves. Real funny huh? I'll tell my "lightbulb" moment sometime