Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Howdy Bike Racers... Ol' Curly has just about completed the honeymoon period at the new ranch so he can set a bike commuting schedule for riding to work. The route is quite simple...

To work: 6% descent for 2 miles, left turn, 1.5 mile ascent at 5%, 600 yards at 7%, right turn, 1.5 miles flatish, left turn, 1.5 miles decent at 9-10%... and then 1 mile flat.

Coming home: Reverse that math.

Ol' Curly is gonna need to put on a 26 to make it up the 9-10%'er everyday without bustin' a nut.

Since the LCs go to daycare M, W, F... looks like Curly will be able to manage this on T and Th.

I hope you enjoy today's photo of LA reading Coach Curly on his Livestrong branded laptop.

Oh... and Gaywilli... I hope you know that Redhook was started by one of the founders of Starbucks... the same one that also started the Seattle Weekly newspaper. Another founder went to Peet's coffee and the 3rd one (Zev Siegl) works as a consultant for Highline CC for new small business owners.

It all comes from Starbucks


Anonymous said...

You forgot Adobe fella... blah blah

gewilli said...

Adobe = Microsoft like

Redhook = FourBucks like

spin off aerospace ventures = boeing...

but yeah - dare i neglect Adobe

For SHAME...

Best not neglect Rainer beer, heck without the motorcycle carving through the back woods shifting or the peaceful frogs no one would have moved up here in the first place...

raiiiiiiiiii neeeeeerrrrrrrrr beeerrrrrrrr

and the frogs

funny though - my memories of the commercials are of far better/higher quality productions than they seem to be...