Thursday, June 7, 2007

LC2 Cast

Just finished 3:30am feeding... Been a while since I've touched the bike... Ol' Curly's ass is becoming more soft. The fitness has fallen into the Diaper Champ.

Lil Curly 2 Cast from psbracing on Vimeo


Andrew F Martin said...

Nice product placement for Stoked-Hats.

Better product placement for the best newborn tool there is: the snot-sucker. There is no video game that can compare to pulling snot from a newborn.

UltraMick said...

And Stoked Hats will proudly say there should be no toxic off-gas from that nice Peruvian alpaca wool hat. They just don't make soft, fluffy ACRYLIC baby yarn in black.

Cobbles and Frites said...

no mention of the dusty bike... you guys are too kind. Tomorrow... we do the Curly Artwalk.

UltraMick said...

I think somebody sorta famous once said "it's not about the bike." Not sure it applied in his case, but it does in yours!

Cobbles and Frites said...

WTF? Anybody speak Portugese SPAM?