Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Howdy spokey dokers! Ol' Curly goes back to work at the ranch tomorrow... The leave is over. LC2 has made it to 3 weeks old by tomorrow. One thing Ol' Curly knows fer sure is that he may or may not get to the 6 project requests in his inbox until Friday. Let a brother have some peace people... can those meeting requests wait until I git back?

So Curly's ass is frosted about a few things this morning. Issue one... you all may remember back in the day when the good ol' USA didn't exist and people organized to come to the new world so that they could build a country where folks could worship the way they wanted without being scrutinized (or killed). How the F did we make this country so damned religiously intolerant then? So what if Mitt Romney is Mormon... what's the big deal? Are we afraid he's gonna make polygamy the law? The same group of Christian fundamentalists hop on the ol' bandwagon and criticize the poor fella and we ain't even met his wives yet... And how does the CF's figure that they're being represented in the White House when the National Church is Catholic... Now Ol' Curly ain't gettin' down on all CFs, but it sure does frost his ass that the organized religion that preaches love and peace also houses the KKK. Now that's just offsides.

WTF... Ol' Curly is so tired of how Paris Hilton is portrayed as some sort of victim cuz she's claustrophobic and has OCD and has to be in a little cell... Stop breakin' the law then asshole! Jeebus H... So you did a little low-grade porn... so yer family has some money... the law applies to you too... commit the crime, pay the fine, do the time... that's Curly's motto... since he gave up favoring hangin'.

A wall?? 2 Million dollars for every mile of the 2000+ miles of Mexico/US border fence? The problem is not keepin' Illegal Immigrants out(or II's if you will) the problem is finding the right ones at Home Depot to help clear an overgrown hillside. C'mon... we can think of better ways to spend 4+ Billion dollars on something more than what Curly considers to be a useless landscaping project. Seriously tho... let's work on the process for getting II's through the system the correct way. Once someone from Mexico makes it here... the system allows them to stay pretty much illegally. Figure it out lawmakers, take some action... that's why we elected you. Let's face it tho... statistically speakin'... we won't have enough of a labor force to supply our needs in the next 10 years... we need to find some people... let's put something in place that allows that. The good ol' days of thinkin' that the Mexicans are here to steal our jobs is assinine... that mentality is soooo 1980's... The irony here is that puttin up walls is a great metaphor for GW's whole pregnancy... I mean presidency. And ultimately we could still use some money for better public transportation, some bridges and some more friggin bike trails... throw a little sugar here.

Alright... Curly is done for now... Yer Trainin': Help me clear my over grown hillside... and bring yer own shovel please.


Anonymous said...

way to much deep thinking for a new dad. my youngest just graduated from the university, so steal as much time as you can from work and watch your young'uns grow!

yer trainin' learn to nap standin' up