Howdy riders! I thought I change it up today... Here's my to do list for Friday, June 29th, 2007. Discuss.
- 2:00am Feed LC2 and change diaper
- 2:30am sleep
- 4:30am Feed LC2 and change diaper
- 5:00am Load music for Sunday on iPod
- 6:07am blog
- 6:15am Get ready for work
- 6:40am Get LC1 up, dressed and feed
- 7:00am Load bike in truck
- 7:15am Leave for work... drop off LC1
- 7:45am Arrive at work
- 9:00am Do some stuff, IM Martaint... do some more stuff
- 9:30am Meet with some folks
- Lunch... Go for a ride around MI with Jamie
- 2:30pm Give 2 week notice and resignation letter
- 2:45pm Breathe sigh of relief
- 3:45pm Pick up Skuuts and GC for race
- 4:15pm Pick up KOS and QOS trophies
- 4:45pm Arrive at home, hug LCs and tell Mrs. Curly about 2:30pm
Stoked and I discussed that your 2.30pm event might be happening, from previous comments. Good Luck, and do tell more.
Stoked and I discussed that your 2.30pm event might be happening, from previous comments. Good Luck, and do tell more.
2 weeks?
and then it can be open season 4 bucks?
within reason dude... within reason... They still have some of the best people I know. The coffee ain't bad... but let me have to pay for a few, I may change my mind.
Where is the 1:30am task of rolling out to the crit course and popping off the street turtles in corner 4?
Hope the grin from 2:45 lasts all the way thru the race on Sunday! I'll salute you with my cup of Tully's this morning....
I know it's a jackass move to post a preemptive notice, but that's my style... I inherited it from my deadbeat dad.
Martaint... warm up the IM, I gots itchy fingers.
Stoked... today's post picture is the only way to really describe what's in my heart right now...
I take it there is another Jamie, cause I'm going to be in Everett at lunch.
Don't forget to steal some espresso machines before you leave.
Jamie Vanek... he still has to work here but thought it might be nice to blow off work for a lunch ride.
Good luck at 2:30. You are one of the real "old timers" there. Wish I could be riding on MI with you and Jamie. BTW, say "hi" to him for me.
"4:45pm Arrive at home, hug LCs and tell Mrs. Curly about 2:30pm"
Mrs. C don't know about this 2 week thing yet?
If you've nothing to do in two weeks, give us a call. We still need a fence built around our house.. ;-)
I'll post a little recap of the conversation on Monday... along with a gem of some asshat's e-mail to me about Des Moines.
Well noe that yo make soo much money promoting bike races, you should be prepared to take it ; -)
I think they must've given OAD an Irish keyboard at work. Now he writes like he talks.... :)
I just hit keys and don't read...oops here's a customer! So I am not paying attention.
yes... promoting bike races is making me rich... don;t you know that PSBR is a non-profit for good reason.
Is there such a tax bracket as a nega-profit?
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