Thursday, June 28, 2007


I guess Ol' Curly was the last to know that the WSBA/USAC supplied a State Champ event with medals. Asking "Is there any requirements or out of the norm things I need to worry about or comply with?" doesn't fall into the realm of "Oh yeah... we'll supply you with your State Champ medals"

Hope everyone likes medals as prizes... Ol' Curly has a few on hand now.


Andrew F Martin said...

State Championship Primes. Best Prime-grabbing effort (highest speed on the Juggs gun) gets the gold. Three primes a race and you've got your inventory cleared.

Anonymous said...

yeah... that'll go over like a house on fire. Hey Kenny... you won that last sprint... here's 2, 2nd place medals for your effort.

Old as dirt said...

Too bad you won't be wining anu on Sundsy young martiant!
Kenny won't either, he's banned from masters racing. For being too fast on the track?

Andrew F Martin said...

OAD - you need to stop using that french keyboard.

Yeah - I get to race with the 1/2s at 12:40 and be home in time to move back into our house post-remodel. Woohoo!