Friday, June 8, 2007

At least you get a banner

yeah... I'm tired and cranky today. Enjoy the banner.
~Coach Curly


Old as dirt said...

At least you're campy cranky!
I'm hungover! Was at the Police concert last night.

Cobbles and Frites said...

Hungover?? I thought you Irish could handle yer liquor.

You know who thinks they can handle their liquor but really can't in a bad way?... the Swedes.. I got a friend we call "The Swede"... he's a sloppy bastard when he drinks

Andrew F Martin said...

I only have one matching bike...but then so does the rest of our team.

Might be time to get the rattle-can for the rest of my rides.

UltraMick said...

He just hasn't been training much, the drinking, that is! Besides, the Irish sleep til 2 p.m. anyway, so who's to know if they're hungover?