Tuesday, June 12, 2007

About time

Howdy Velosexuals... Ol' Curly has it under control this morning. LC2 topped up and sleeping... LC1 still asleep due to that last dose of cough syrup. Mrs. Curly...? Hell... she'd sleep til noon if she somebody would record Regis and Kelly for her.

So Curly wants to make you aware of a new phenomenon that he really digs. USA Crits... Screw Europe... they have a bunch of dopers. It's time to boost racing in the Good Ol' USA. The best way to do that is to get some racing in front of the public. USA Crits is on their way. A Crit in every major city one day... just like the old Mayor's cup. Not sure the MLB logo copy was the way to go on their branding, but then I'm sure they were trying to tie into the popularity that baseball has. Glad to see the folks at USA Crits have been following Curly and his ideas... I would have preferred some credit tho... but then it's all for you bike racers now ain't it? You NW racers out there... Boise is yer closest chance to be part of the USA Crits phenomenon.

Short, fast, sprints... corners... crits have it all... cept' fer mud and gravel... but then OHOP and cross season have those things.

Crit season is upon us... and Kenny the Cash Register is prolly waiting in the shadows...

Your trainin': Watch CTodd climb up Mt. Washington... CLICK HERE


solobreak said...

Ummm, yeah, but isn't the US the country that hardly ever does dope tests and welcomes the dopers from other countries with open arms?

Cobbles and Frites said...

yeah... isn't it great? US Cycling can follow football and baseball with regards to "don't ask, don't tell, don't git caught"

CTodd said...

Congrats on the LC2!!!!!

Don't spend too much time watching' that climbing movie. That's 9 minutes you could be trainin'!