Thursday, June 21, 2007


Howdy Saddle Slickers! Ol' Curly has been up since 3 this morning. We're down to two LC2 feeding per night and I'm starting to like this kid's style...

I hope you like the artwork this morning. This was the original banner from the CTS site knockoff. Some of you may remember that phase. I hope you enjoy this shot of the great white French hope... John Francis Barnyard. Damn he was hyped up. Worse than Mottet for cryin' out loud. I think he was one of the first to feature the "bike switch" in a TT. This TT pictured as a matter of fact. Up the Ventoux. TT bike for the flats, then the climbing bike for the climb. It worked... he won that TT and he wore Yella.

Cripes... it figures that a French race would put the leader in Yella... The French are experts at being Yella.

So Ol' Curly is back at work. Only 9 projects managed to make it to his desk yesterday. How does a person get 9 projects in one day... That's work until Oct... funny. Martaint... you keep quiet about why that's funny... in due time.

Remember way back when when we did the CYCA Web-Chili-cookoff and Jamboree? Well, a CYCA blog is coming... you'll get to read about what it's like to have people look at your ass at the end of a bike race. I know some of you have been there first hand... but now you can read about it.

Well... I'm gonna go have some toast and coffee... before I go start on all them "projects"... HA.. kills me.

Yer Trainin': Do a "Project"...