How-deeee Bike Racers and Bike Racer-ettes! The Giro is back in action. Don't you hate rest days? No live feed to view while yer "working"... I got an e-mail from my cohorts in Salerno... they'll be at the top of the Amalfi Coast "highway" today with their caravan and vino... Now a promise has been made that when they're writing "Il Falco" on the roads, they will take the time to paint "Coach Curly" there as well... We'll see... I still have yet to see a couple of things they were "sending" home for me... Yep... Big day... First of the climbs... new leader for sure.
To the feller that e-mailed asking for the best use of Limoncello... make a vodka martini... drop a half ounce of Limoncello in the bottom and toss a lemon rind in it... you'll be much happier you drank it that way.
Updated Banner Museum... Link on the right. My only beef is that Picasa "JPEGifies" the images... stupid PNG convertering software.
Here's a little story I've been holding on to for a couple of days. On Monday's bike commute to work I took the camera to record some footage. I was in a hurry so I strapped on the camera mount to my race bike and pop in the short mount. It's a tight fit so I didn't use the set screw... It wasn't a problem until I hit that goddamned 1st Avenue... a pothole... which I saw... pop the camera and mount right out... which I saw and tried to hold the camera... too late... ahhhh.... crash... It landed on the mount first before skittering across the pavement. I saw a piece fly somewheres... Now I stopped and said "oh shit"... Then I got the camera and noticed that it has a few scratches and that the media card door was missing... I popped the whole thing together, threw it in my bag and continued on... I was so mad I hoovered the last half mile cussin' the entire way. Showered... got to my desk... put the door back on, dusted it off... Bob's yer uncle... Camera fine... the footage however, all sound and black screen. The fall must have corrupted something cus only 5 of the 16 clips were viewable.
Quote of the day: How to pick up Podium Girls Advice from Steve Cummings at Discovery...
PEZ: "Any comment on the Podium girls?"
Steve Cummings: "I've been taking advice from Whitey (Disco's Aussie stalwart, Matt White) and he says you have to go in easy, just say 'hello' then leave it a day or two before you say anything else. He reckons the Italian guys go in too hard and too quick!"
So true fella... so true... They really should be asking Hincapie this question... he's had some success I hear.
Yer Trainin': We're about 2 weeks away from some real track racin'... time to work on yer bike handlin'. I'd like you to taunt bike messengers today. Go downtown and call them names during peak traffic... now really taunt them too... you need to make sure they're motivated to chase... If yer doing it right you should feel like Kevin Bacon in Quicksilver. If yer doing' it wrong yer gonna feel like Kevin Spacey at the end of American Beauty.
Don't Forget The Giro: The LIVE video feed starts up at 6:15am PST
This kid is crazy... and it's vlogs like this that make him like him so much... Lawnmowin'
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Damn You 1st Avenue Potholes!
Posted by
Cobbles and Frites
4:25 AM
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This is great info to know.
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