Wednesday, May 23, 2007

7 days to go...

Howdy no show-ers! Where the hell were you all yesterday? Ol' Curly and Ol' OAD waited around all day long... we finally just left after a few hours... went and got some "work" done. Please call if yer not coming from here on out... it's just the right thing to do.

Alright... No fireworks yesterday as I passed the multitude of Starbucks locations on my way to tka eLil' Curly for a bike ride. No banners in the window sayin' "Hey... Thanks for stayin' so long Curly"... no ticker-tape... no f'n free drink... no call from the CEO letting me know they've decreed yesterday as some kind of "special" day... HA!... had ya goin' Ol' Curly could give a rats ass less. In fact he took the day off and asked that they hold off on any ceremony until Curly's former manager got back into town.

Lil' Curly and I had a hellva ride yesterday. That lil guy loves that trailer. SO much that he's willing to eat dirt for an hour and not say work word. Ol' Curly had a heluva time explaining how Lil' Curly looked like one of them dirty mouth commercials. Time to put a fender on.

So what's new with the Giro? Piepoli showed us what he's good at... today is a relatively flat stage into Turin and we're heading into some serious mountainage right quick.

The Coach Curly Overall Winner Prediction: It will be the year of the Russian. Evgueni Petrov

Alright... I'm tired, it's time to get Lil' Curly up and you guys may not even read this... Happy Fricken Wednesday, here's yer trainin'.

Yer Trainin': Cover your face with some kind of shroud and ride the BG trail. I want you to use the force to navigate your way from Seattle to Bothell... You E. Coast Crankys... you do the same on yer favorite trail. See if someone will video tape you doing this... I wanna watch it.

PEZ... way to take a ride on Curly's coat tail... PEZ's LATE POST ABOUT LIMONCELLO


gewilli said...

screen - da bug screen does a great job a keeping the crap outa da face...

but yeah...

put a freaking fender on for da kid...

do ya sef a fava get some fastboys when he starts sellin em:

I be he could put on a nice rubber flappy thing fo ya even...

Little Willi's kid digs the trailer just as much, all yall parents are just being bad parents not haulin them chillins around in a buggy... dey LOVE it...

Cobbles and Frites said...

Yep... Ol' Curly has checked out his gallery a few times. They are mighty fine fenders. I'd be a bit worried about the type of weather we git round here and how well they'd stand up... I shoulda said that I needed to put my fenders back on.

I'll do a post on my fender collection as the weather git better. It'll be precious.

gewilli said...

yeah cause varnish and wood haven't even been used in exposed environments before


Cobbles and Frites said...

smartass... yeah, I really want to stip and varnish and maintain my fenders... cuz I gots time.